Reference: 22/02818/HHD
30 Lower High Street, Burford, Oxfordshire, OX18 4RR
Proposal: Erection of single storey extension and installation of an air heat source pump
Reference: 22/02968/HHD
The Bield , 19 Witney Street, Burford, Oxfordshire, OX18 4SN
Proposal: Erection of a timber storage outbuilding
Received: 24/10/2022
Reference: 22/02981/HHD
The Bield , 19 Witney Street, Burford, Oxfordshire, OX18 4SN
Proposal: Proposed Lift from Ground to First Floor including roof modification.
Received: 25/10/2022
Reference: 22/02968/HHD
The Bield , 19 Witney Street, Burford, Oxfordshire, OX18 4SN
Proposal: Erection of a timber storage outbuilding (retrospective)
Received: 24/10/2022
Reference: 22/03179/OUT
Land East Of Barns Lane, Barns Lane, Burford, Oxfordshire,
Proposal: Outline planning Application (with all matters reserved) for the erection of up to 70 residential units (including affordable housing) with associated parking, vehicular and pedestrian access, internal roads, public open space, landscaping, drainage and other associated infrastructure.