
Planning Applications December 2022

Uploaded on December 29, 2022

Reference: 22/03179/OUT
Land East Of Barns Lane, Barns Lane, Burford, Oxfordshire,
Proposal: Outline planning Application (with all matters reserved) for the erection of up to 70 residential units (including affordable housing) with associated parking, vehicular and pedestrian access, internal roads, public open space, landscaping, drainage and other associated infrastructure.


Application for Variation of Premises Licence

We have received an application for Old Bull Hotel 105 High Street Burford Oxfordshire OX18 4RG    under the Licensing Act 2003.

The application can be viewed through the online Public Access Portal.  If you would like to make formal representation, the closing date is 11th January 2023

Application The Bull

Plans The Bull Licence

Please ensure that all email correspondence is sent to



Application for Variation of Premises Licence – Highway Inn)

We have received an application for 117 High Street Burford Oxfordshire OX18 4RG under the Licensing Act 2003.

If you would like to make formal representation, the closing date is 12th January 2023

This application is to vary the Premises Licence initially to change the name to the Highway Inn.

 Further on considering the existing licence as it applies to premises with residents with the premises historically operating as a hotel with guests residing in it, we seek to amend the Licence to make it clear that the public can have access 24 hours a day Monday to Sunday to accommodate guests. Further that those resident at the premises can benefit from the sale and supply of alcohol and also late night refreshment at any time during that 24 hour period. It is not proposed to change the hours for non-residents just to make clear the position for residents

 The Licence is currently limited to on sales and we seek to vary to permit both on and off sales to ensure the ability to use the outside area is maintained. We also seek to confirm recorded music is permitted within licensed hours if required

 We also seek permission for regulated entertainment within the current licensed hours.

 The premises would still operate as they have historically, the variation is simply to clarify the position in relation to what has been a long standing use of the premises.

Please ensure that all email correspondence is sent to

Highway Inn Application to Vary


Vick’s Garage Appeal

Vick’s Garage appeal

Appeal Documents


Reference 22/03210/HHD
Alternative Reference PP-11705120
Application Validated Thu 22 Dec 2022
Address Hilltop House 208 The Hill Burford Oxfordshire OX18 4HX
Proposal Erection of two storey and first floor extensions