Reference: 22/01709/FUL
Land South Of, Swan Lane, Burford, Oxfordshire,
Proposal: Erection of two dwellings, tree planting and landscaping
Received: 16/06/2022
Distance: 234 metres away
Reference: 22/01751/HHD
Donnington House , 182 The Hill, Burford, Oxfordshire, OX18 4QY
Proposal: Rear Single Storey extension and alterations to rear section of existing house to re-open former blocked doorways to new extension and altering floor to kitchen to remove current ramp and form smaller step and formation of stone outbuilding
Received: 21/06/2022
Reference: 22/01701/FUL
Lloyds TSB Bank, Sheep Street, Burford, Oxfordshire, OX18 4LN
Proposal: Conversion of the former bank on the ground floor of 4-6 Sheep Street to a residential dwelling, including insertion of additional windows on the right elevation, removal of the mid 20th century strong room extension on the right hand side to form a small courtyard garden and internal refurbishment.
Received: 16/06/2022
Distance: 237 metres away
Reference: 22/01762/FUL
Warwick Hall, Church Green, Burford, Oxfordshire, OX18 4RZ
Proposal: Installation of air source heat pumps within timber enclosure.
Received: 21/06/2022